Me & My Baldies
It's been a while since my last 'list of's. Here's one that came to my mind, My List of Favourite Bald Men.
When I say bald I don't necessarily mean hairless, I mean less hair as in close-shaven heads.
Why baldies? Ask my subconscious. I guess they seem bold, like they're saying "I don't need a mane to be a man, I just am". My other theory is that they look emotionally vulnerable and I'm a sucker at that.
The sequence is according to succession in time.
Some boy I had a crush on while schooling in England [1992-1996]. He was a well-known prankster and yes I usually go for the naughty ones.
Desmond Harrington
An actor I fancied for quite a long time. He's not a permanent baldy but he's usually bald in his temperamental characters, which are the ones I like most. Unfortunately he hasn't got any breakthroughs in his career yet, no big and memorable roles, no awards [I think], not many movies worth watching. So, I don't follow his work much.
Jason Statham
Hardcore man he is. For those who don't know this guy, get a life. That bod, that face, that accent, not to mention skills in martial arts, I can watch his movies anytime. I think I first caught him in Guy Ritchie's Snatch [FAVE!!], which didn't feature any of his skills much, just the voice and face. And then I saw him in 'The One' [fighting skills revealed!], 'Mean Machine', a Brit remake of 1974's 'The Longest Yard', so on and so forth. Do I go watch all his movies? Nay. He's got that 'stereotype syndrome' where nearly all his characters are as if they came from the same scarce pool of genes.
Michael Schofield
The main protagonist in the hit TV series, Prison Break. I followed up to the 3rd season but then got too busy not giving a damn. He was a breakthrough character, never have I seen one so cool and mysterious. But being too mysterious and emotional has it's toll, you lost me as a fan! I moved on, sorry. Now, everytime I see his face it feels like the whole world turns a bit gay-er.
Mark Tremonti
My rock hero!!! I love thee, hair or no hair. My severe admiration for this man pertains much to his skills and passion for his guitar. He's the founder/writer/lead guitarist for his current band Alter Bridge, ex of Creed. But beyond that, he truly is a hunk. That macho Italian face, well-trimmed goatee, ripped bod, physically everything on my list.
J. Loren Wince
My latest passion. Also in music, from the band HURT. He is their founder/writer/vocalist/guitarist/violinist and some other stringed instrument. Passionate and dark as well. This band truly fits my taste, I am currently at awe with this band and for the past few months. Their songs pull you in so deep, you'd rather suffocate to feel alive [that sounds suicidal]. But they're not emo, I kick emos of my streets. These guys are mature human beings, at least mature enough to be singing their stuff. Lyrics, sheer poetry and currently my main influence in songwriting.
Henry Cavill
Just some young actor who looks good in this photo. Acting skills aren't that good yet but I hope he gets better. With a face like that, it'd be a waste not to.
There should be more [most are martial artists] but they're lost in my sleepy head.
Later days...
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