A Day Full of Surprises!
I don't know if I should laugh or sob or drop-kick a stranger and continue beating him until he begs me to stop. Yes, today made me say a lot of those bad words, the "what the....?!" kinds and also me having angry dialogues with myself. "Why on earth?" I hear you not say out loud. Let's get started!1. The Mal-informed Quiz
What the frig man, nobody friggin told me it was re-scheduled today. My jaw dropped and my heart sunk as soon as I entered the classroom this morning and saw the Doc telling everyone to take out a piece of paper. Apparently I was the only one who remained clueless throughout the whole one-hour session. Damn these kids. Thankfully, I sat between 2 helpful ones. By helpful I mean, copy-all-you-want helpful. But still, damn these kids!
2. The Patient's Folder - Which Should Never Be Kept In Our Lockers But We Do It Anyways - Got Hijacked by The Docs!
Awwwww...you smart ass bunch you. This was totally uncalled for! Just let me elaborate their scheme, simply use the spare keys to open our lockers and confiscate what wasn't ours [the folders: legal documentations of the patients that should be taken more seriously] Last time they did this, they warned us of the 'spot-check'. But this time they just ambushed without giving a chance to pull out our guns. Many students keep bragging about how it wasn't fair but I think they are well off, in a way. Fortunately I only kept one folder in my locker that day, unlike those who I've heard lost 20 folders to the Docs. The only thing was, I needed that folder today since I had already set an appointment with that patient. But that's for the next surprise.
3. The Treatment
Good golly me beans! I was ever so ready to defend myself if somehow I got told off by today's scheduled supervising Doc. Let's call her the Witch.
The Witch bears some close resemblance to this British actress, Kristin Scott Thomas.
According to history, nobody is spared in her eyes. Well, I just lost the folder of my shared patient for today [I was sharing the patient with my partner]. How fcuked do you think I felt? Pretty well-fcukd. I couldn't even hide behind my partner since it was my fault the folder went MIA. Surprisingly, everything I imagined could have gone wrong, didn't! A few harsh words here and there but nothing I couldn't handle.
Although, she kinda offended our patient and I just wanna betch-slap her...I mean drop-kick her for that. Poor sweet old lady...I mean my patient.
4. The New Shower Scrub
I was pretty excited to use my new bottle of Ginvera's Spa Shower Scrub. I even made sure I was all worn out in sweat for the day before using it. Just so I'd feel deserving to dwell in it's comfort after the shower. But what horror I find myself facing as I pressed for my first serving of aromatic cleansing liquid? The damn bottle was jammed! The ever so tiny scrubby beads got caught up in the nozzle and I couldn't unclog it. Aaarrgghh! What a way to ruin an awesome mood I had going...
5. The Ease
After all that has happened today, I'm quite surprised to find myself still at ease and quirky. Though my studying mood is a tad bit tarnished, but that's because I only slept for 4 hours last night and somehow forgot to nap this afternoon. So there, tired but still at ease. If I could remember my last year's self correctly, right now I'd still be trash talking about the witch, punching the wall with my bare knuckles, writing emo shyte in Brook, and probably decide to skip the rest of the week. But despite being a little...being way behind my studying schedule, and still have to study for tomorrow's quiz, I'm OKAY!
Well then...off to the books.
Later days...
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